Sixth Form

Applications for Academic Year for September 2025/2026 are now open!

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Foundation School in Health

This ground-breaking partnership will see the NHS working closely with Hall Cross Academy. This will mean further developing opportunities for pupils, wishing to pursue a career in the health service.

Find out more about careers at Hall Cross

ICA Perform

ICA-Perform is a new venture that formalises the outstanding range and quality of Performing Arts on offer at Hall Cross Academy. It defines an enhanced entitlement for students and broadens the curriculum offer in and around the normal school day.

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School with a Soul

Hall Cross is a ‘school with a soul’ with a uniquely inclusive culture and ethos, broad and balanced curriculum, and a fantastic range of extracurricular opportunities.

Enjoying Excellence Every Day

Hall Cross is an academy that strives for excellence and balances that drive with a determination to ensure our students enjoy their school days. “Enjoying excellence” is therefore at the centre of our mission.

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Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Hall Cross Academy,

Hall Cross is an historic institution which is proud of its traditions but what motivates us every day is securing the best future for every one of the young people we serve.

A large and vibrant comprehensive academy with nearly 2,000 students on roll including approximately 450 students in our thriving sixth form, Hall Cross is located over two campuses close to Doncaster town centre. We are, therefore, very much at the heart of our community.

Hall Cross Academy became a member of Exceed Learning Partnership on 1 February 2023. Both organisations share the same values and are committed to providing the very best education for children and young people. Exceed Learning Partnership recognises the history of Hall Cross and the traditions that it is immensely proud of. Hall Cross Academy’s ethos of “enjoying excellence every day” align with the Trust values and their motto of ‘Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!’

Having worked at Hall Cross Academy for over 30 years, it has been a privilege to serve as the Principal since 2019. I believe Hall Cross is a ‘school with a soul’ and I am determined that we retain our uniquely inclusive culture and ethos, our broad and balanced curriculum, and our fantastic range of extracurricular opportunities.

Our teachers are an outstanding team of professionals absolutely dedicated to innovative and exciting teaching practice which provides all learners with the opportunity to excel. Additionally, we have a dedicated pastoral team who work to support students with care and guidance should they require it.

I hope this website provides you with the insight and information you need and if you require further information do not hesitate to get in touch using the contacts page.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Swain


Latest News

Year 9’s have made a brilliant start to their everyday objects project, creating observational drawings of objects in their bags 🎒✍️ #enjoyingexcellence Via: @hx_adt on Mastodon3 days agoRead Article

On Tuesday 11th March there will be a free careers event for Health and Care in Action, delivered by Enact. This event is designed for anyone 16+ looking to find out more about careers in Health. The Doncaster College will be hosting this event. To find out more please see the poster below: #healthandcare #enjoyingexcellence Via: @hx_careers on Mastodon4 days agoRead Article

Miss Carroll's Y10 photography students have been learning various weaving techniques. Great work everyone! #enjoyingexcellence Via: @hx_adt on Mastodon4 days agoRead Article

Our students had a great trip out to @unilincoln last week for their be inspired days. The students had a great day taking part in their business insight day and getting to see the campus. #beinspired #lincolnuni #lincolnunibeinspired #businessinsight #businessalevel #alevel #6thform #hallcrossacademy #enjoyingexcellence Via: @hx_sixthform on Mastodon4 days agoRead Article

Well done to our brilliant KS3 students who completed their wellbeing ambassador training supported by With me in Mind. We are so proud of their willingness to help others through their student leadership roles! #enjoyingexcellence Via: @hx_life on Mastodon7 days agoRead Article

Key Stage Information

Key Stage 3Year 7 - 9
Moving to secondary school is an exciting yet challenging experience for children and their parents. To help with this transition we have a number of resources on our website which should help make the process as smooth as possible.
Key Stage 4Year 10 & 11
During Key Stage 4 at the Upper School Campus, teaching groups are organised according to the examination level and the nature of the course being followed. Students find themselves in several different teaching groups as they move from subject to subject.
Sixth FormYear 12 & 13
Hall Cross Academy Sixth Form offers you the opportunity to tailor-make an education that is right for you. Our focus is your academic and social development, and we will provide you with outstanding support and guidance throughout your time with us.