Careers Information
Careers at Hall Cross Academy is continually developing to ensure we provide our students with up to date and relevant Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance.
We value the importance of preparing students for the world of work and therefore their career provision begins in Year 7 and continues throughout their time at Hall Cross.
Hall Cross Academy has a full time careers advisor allowing students to access impartial advice and guidance at any time. The career advisor attends parent’s evenings as well as open evening events. In addition, you can request an appointment with Mrs. Birch using the details below.
The careers department aims to enable all students to make informed decisions about their curriculum options during the transition between key stages and make positive choices for their post 16 and/or post 18 decisions.
We provide a range of career activities throughout the academic year to help raise student’s aspirations and motivation including evening events allowing parents the opportunity to find out more about the options available to their child/children.
At Hall Cross Academy we work with many providers and employers and continue to develop this network to enhance our student’s careers experience, ensuring they have relevant impartial advice and guidance.
The career provision is reviewed annually to ensure we are providing students with up to date relevant information and in line with statutory guidance.
Hall Cross measures the impact of their careers programme via feedback from students, staff, and parents, using this information to continue to develop the careers provision. In addition we log all career activity to provide support when using destination data. We use this information to evaluate the effect students’ career experiences have had on their progression once they have left the academy.
Contact Details

Mrs R Birch
Careers Lead and Advisor