Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Hall Cross Academy

Transition Days :

Wednesday 10th July 09:30pm-3pm

Thursday 11th July 2024 08:35pm-3pm


Congratulations on securing your place at Hall Cross Academy; once again we are oversubscribed with large numbers on the waiting list. We are delighted that you have chosen us as the school to help your child develop into an adult and we look forward to meeting your son or daughter very soon. This area of our website has been designed to contain all the information needed to ensure a smooth transition from primary school to Hall Cross Academy.

Mr S Swain


Watch Welcome Video

Key Staff

Below is a list of key staff that you may need to know during the transition process. You can use the contact buttons next to their name to contact them directly or use the Contact Us section of our website to send a general enquiry.

Mr S Swain


Mrs G Massarella-Burton

Associate Vice Principal

Student Experience

Mr G Young

Learner Experience

Key Stage 3

Mrs K Briggs

Year Manager (Year 7)

Ms N Laszkowicz


Mrs K Hargrave

Associate Senior Leader

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collated a few of the frequently asked questions that come up during the transition process. Click the questions below to find out more. If you have a question that isn’t below, please feel free to contact us using the Contact Us button in the menu above.

What if my child needs more support with transition?
If you think your child needs more support please discuss this with your child’s primary school. We work very closely with all of our feeder schools and they make recommendations to us where additional support may be required.
Where do I get school uniform and PE kit from?
Uniform and PE kit requirements are detailed on our website and in the prospectus, items can be purchased via the link in the uniform area here or in person at Cliffs in Doncaster.
How much homework do students get?
Homework is set regularly and ranges from worksheets and web based activities to half-termly projects. The aim of all of these is to develop students’ independence and is only set when it benefits students’ learning.
What do I do if my child receives support for a Special Educational Need at primary school?
Our SENDCO and Year 7 Year Manager is in regular contact with primary schools and they ensure that any relevant information is passed between schools. If there is anything you think we should know directly please contact us here with your child’s name and date of birth.
What do students need to bring to school?
Students will need a bag, a pencil case containing Blue, Black and Green pens, a pencil, a ruler, a scientific calculator, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. Students will also need to bring their PE Kit on specific days.
Will my child be in classes with their friends from primary school?
All classes will be made up of students from all of our feeder schools. Students will be placed into a form group and will have form time every day, this will help support moving into new surroundings and will enable them to make lasting friendships. Most teaching groups are mixed but some groups are put together based on ability. Don’t worry if your child is not with their friends from previous schools they will make lots of new friends.
Who do I speak to if I am worried or concerned about anything?
If anything concerns you please do not hesitate to contact us. You can speak to any member of staff but your first port of call should be the Year 7 Year Manager, Karon Briggs or the Key Stage Three Phase Leader, Greg Young. You will meet Karon and Greg in September. Contact Karon Briggs Contact Greg Young
Can students bring mobile phones into school?
Yes. At Hall Cross Academy we think it is important to harness the power of technology in our learning. We have expectations in place to ensure that mobile phones don’t get in the way of progress and we ask students to use them appropriately. It is important to note that mobile phones remain the responsibility of the owner at all times.
What does the school day look like?
The school day starts at 08:35 and finishes at 15:10. In this time students have 5 lesson periods and a break and lunchtime. For timings and more information please see the prospectus.
Does Hall Cross Academy have a Breakfast Club?
Students are able to purchase some breakfast before school but can also purchase snacks at breaktime and lunchtime. There are a variety of options available and the menu changes regularly.
What extracurricular activities are available?
Hall Cross Academy has a comprehensive calendar of extracurricular activities for students to get involved in, these range from academic groups like science club or language club, to sports groups and performing arts groups. If students want to stay at school just to do homework, the library is open until 4pm.
Will the classes students are in during transition be the classes in Year 7?
No, students are randomly mixed for transition and will have brand new classes in Year 7 made up of students from all the feeder schools.


At Hall Cross Academy we are committed to developing students into independent, powerful learners who are ready to take on the challenges of life in modern Britain. To achieve this aim student voice worked with a group of teachers to develop the Hall Cross Learner. The Hall Cross Learner is a set of expectations made up of seven qualities that we believe will furnish our students with the characteristics they need to succeed in school and their future career.