Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND) Department
It is essential that students with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities have access to the right provision and support. At Hall Cross Academy we are committed to providing an aspirational curriculum designed to ensure all students are encouraged and supported to fulfil their full potential and maximise their enjoyment and success.
Our Approach to SEND
Each student, regardless of their ability, is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to their educational needs. We aim to support students with SEND to become independent learners and develop confidence and self-esteem. We are proud of our inclusive ethos and work collaboratively with multi-agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for students.
Hall Cross Academy welcomes parents and carers to discuss student individual needs and strives to meet the individual needs as defined by the SEND Code of Practice (2015). Special Educational Needs are broadly categorised within the following areas:
- Cognition and Learning Diffculties
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs
- Communication and Interaction Needs
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
In adhering to the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice 2015, we will ensure that every child with Special Educational Need(s) and/or Disability receives the most appropriate and bespoke package of support to meet their needs. We aim to identify SEND as early as possible to enable us to secure the best long term outcomes for the student and their family, making reasonable adjustments, in line with the Equality Act 2010. Regular assessment allows us to identify pupils making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances.
Hall Cross Academy is an inclusive school, providing young people with quality first teaching and learning experiences within the mainstream classroom. All teachers are teachers of SEND using their “best endeavours” to support students with SEND. Teaching is differentiated in order to meet the needs of each student to ensure students are able to achieve objectives. Support is provided by the SENCO and the SEND team regarding the individual needs of SEND students and ideas for strategies to support are offered to ensure all students’ needs are met effectively within the classroom
The principles that underpin all in-class support activity at Hall Cross Academy are:
- Support is available for all students of all abilities who require it.
- Inclusion and student support are everyone’s responsibility. We recognise that success for every student is dependent on a through-school approach to inclusion.
- Any area of learning can be improved through targeted support. This includes: support for class work, homework and time management skills, relationships with others, social and emotional skills, attitude, self-esteem and behavioural self-management.
Contact Details
If you have any concerns about your child having a special educational need, please contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Nichola Laszkowicz.

Ms N Laszkowicz
Complaint Arrangements
Hall Cross Academy aims to provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment, working wherever possible in close partnership with parents/carers to
ensure a collaborative approach to meeting students’ needs. If parents/carers have a complaint concerning provision for their child they should discuss this with the Academy’s SENCO, Nichola Laszkowicz.
If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been fully resolved a formal complaints procedure is available on the Academy website.