Academic Tutoring

PSHCE and RSE at Key Stage 5

A significant amount of the PSHCE and RSE provision at Key Stage 5 is delivered through the academic tutor programme. This is a one hour taught session where students are able to access the non-academic provision. This ensures that as far as possible in addition to enabling our students to Enjoy Excellence Everyday, our aim is to ensure that when students leave Hall Cross Academy they are aspirational, well-qualified, independent and globally aware young adults who are equipped for success in the world beyond the Sixth Form environment.

The academic tutor programme has been designed in collaboration with students to ensure that the materials and content match both statutory requirements and student appropriate foci. There are half termly themes for the academic tutor content to ensure that there is continuity and consistency in delivery. The resources are designed to allow students to explore issues in more depth but also engage in discussion to ensure students are aware of the implications of their decisions and of the options open to them.

Students should leave Sixth Form able to be independent, whether financially or in terms of life choices. The programme of financial lessons includes taxation, debt, employment and pay, budgeting and borrowing money. Additionally, the academic tutor programme also ensures that students are fully aware of the comprehensive range of options available to them when they leave. The academic tutors assist them in understanding and researching fully these options. Students are guided through the UCAS application process and preparation for interviews, as well as through applying for jobs and apprenticeships.

It is important that students understand how to be a good citizen and therefore much time is spent exploring and critically understanding British values and other aspects of citizenship including politics and democracy, respect and tolerance. The academic tutor programme is linked to the academy’s CARE agenda. Topics studied include tolerance, extremism, subcultures, toxic masculinity, sexual harassment.

Through the enrichment activities and student leadership opportunities which are promoted and encouraged at Key Stage 5, in addition to the academic tutor programme, students are further able to:

  • Develop confidence in team-work, presentation, research and communication skills
  • Create critically reflective students who are able to identify ways they can improve themselves.
  • Globally aware students who are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the world.

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