
Summer Holidays

21st July 2021 until 6th September 2021

Summer Holidays

21st July 2021
until 6th September 2021

GCSE Results Day

12th August 2021

GCSE Results Day

12th August 2021

Internal Hall Cross GCSE students will be able to collect their results from the Upper School Hall on Thursday 12th August between 8.30am-10.30am. Students who are continuing with their studies at Hall Cross Sixth Form will be directed to the Library for enrolment. Please remember to bring £5 for the purchasing of a Sixth Form tie. Please contact Miss McDermott ([email protected]) should you be unavailable to attend on the above date and require an alternative appointment.

External Sixth Form students (students joining us in Y12 from other schools) will need to enrol with the school from 11am-1.30pm. Please enter the school through the main reception. Students will then be directed to the appropriate locations for enrolment purposes. Please remember to bring your GCSE results and £5 for the purchasing of a Sixth Form tie. Please contact Miss McDermott ([email protected]) should you be unavailable to attend on the above date and require an alternative appointment.