
Week One Lunch Menu

20th March 2017 until 24th March 2017

Week One Lunch Menu

20th March 2017
until 24th March 2017

Red Nose Day (Non Uniform)

24th March 2017

Red Nose Day (Non Uniform)

24th March 2017

This year Hall Cross Academy is once again raising money for Red Nose Day. The following have been arranged by our Upper school Student Council and will be taking place in school.

• Friday 24th March will be a whole school non uniform day. Students are asked to wear something red and to donate £1 to the Comic Relief charity.

• We will be selling red noses in school at a cost of £1 each. These will be on sale during the week leading up to Red Nose Day.

• There will be a variety of fundraising activities taking place around school. Keep an eye out for posters advertising these events.

The money we raise will help people living really tough lives in the UK and across Africa. For example, £2.50 could buy a mosquito net to protect a family in Africa. In the UK, £5 could pay for an isolated elderly person with dementia to have dinner at their local support group.

We really appreciate your support and look forward to a good day.